Opening a Polish bank account online has generated a lively discussion, with several members sharing their experiences and suggestions. Here is a summary of the key points:

  • Millenium Bank is a popular choice, offering an online account opening process. You can start this process by visiting their website and following the instructions for the "Online na selfie" option, which requires downloading their app.

  • N26 is another viable option for opening a bank account in Poland online. Their mobile app allows for registration and identity verification, requiring proof of identity (such as a passport), residency (like a utility bill), and employment.

  • Some members have mentioned that even with online options, a physical visit to the bank might still be necessary for final verification and document signing.

  • N26 offers a workaround with a video call verification process, making it possible to complete the process entirely online.

  • Challenges have been noted in opening an account fully online without Polish residency, with some banks rejecting applications for this reason.

  • Alternatives such as TREJDOO and fintech solutions like Bitsafe and Revolut have been suggested for those facing residency-related issues, though it's important to note specifics like shared IBANs when receiving money through TREJDOO.

This summary encapsulates insights and experiences shared by forum members regarding the process of opening a Polish bank account online.

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