rdynwanting published: Amazon Wish lists and how people can trick you
Ninja • 21881 hits amazon wishlist, Advice, scam


So today we had a customer say they bought us a gift on Amazon, and after searching around we thought, "Oh cool, they got us the laptop." We were super excited because they didn't even ask us for anything in return. So after a few hours and not seeing it disappear and talking to some of the girls on the site, we decided to look into it a little deeper. We contacted Amazon over the chat, and they were great. They were more than happy to help and look into it for us.

Contacting Amazon Customer Support

  • First thing when you contact them to check and see if a gift purchase is legit just let them know it's off your wish list they need to send you to a special department for that.
  • Secondly: Be patient and kind they are doing the best they can and will find out the information for you.

The Gift Scam Revealed

So come to find out that the gift was not actually bought. Weird since it's showing up in the purchased list, well what they actually did was mark the gift as bought. Once it has been marked as such it makes it seem like someone did, in fact, buy it for you but they never did. This item will never disappear since there is nothing for them to cancel. The Amazon rep was super nice and re-added it to our list for us as well. So be sure to ask them to do that. Lucky for us we are not out anything from this, but I don't want to see anyone else get ripped off, so hopefully this helps.

How the Scam Works

My hubby and I tested this out last night and figured out how they are doing it. On your wish list there is a buy off another site option. Well what happens is the scammer goes and clicks that button. Once that has been done Amazon actually sends them an email confirming that they made the purchase of your wish list item. Once they get this, the item comes off your wish list and is added to the purchased section. It will never show as being canceled on the site as the item was never actually bought in the first place. So like I said, make sure if you get something and they don't give you an order number or anything like that, just take a few moments and chat with their support. Have them check it and see if it was bought from the site. If not, ask the customer to show you a confirmation and not provide anything until you get a legitimate tracking number or the package actually arrives. This would have been our very first wish list item if it had actually been purchased for us.

Gift Card Scam Alert

We have done a lot of dealing so far with the digital gift cards and the actual hard copy gift cards. My advice on those and yes I may be repeating what other girls have said in the past, but I don't think we can stress it enough. REDEEM THEM RIGHT AWAY, I have one customer right now that all he pays me in is Amazon Gift Cards so he gives me the code, I put it in and that's that it's added to my account. The digital ones as soon as I get the email I apply them to the account then start the show, never before as then it could be reversed.


So ladies and gents if it seems too good to be true check into it, maybe you will be the lucky one and find out it's real.



26 Likes 19 Comments
I know we talked about this elsewhere, but I'd just like to thank you for sharing your experience with the community. : )
thanks hun Smiley :) I am just hoping it helps us stay a bit ahead of the people who try and take advantage of us
Thank you so much for writing this!
Yep it happened to us. Amazon didn't know what happened but I hope nobody actually gives up the good lol. Good point though, everyone needs to know. Smiley :)
Thank you.
That is some excellent information, very educational and helpful.
Yes, thank you so very much for sharing that with all of us!
I'm guessing this is common. A guy tried to trick Me like that once on Streamate. I refused to give him a show since I never received a notification from Amazon. It's disgusting that these broke losers are willing to say and do anything to get something for nothing.
ya that is the crappy part with the wishlist Candy, you dont actually get a notification email when someone buys something for you. They are going to try and work on this Smiley :)
Ya i got scammed that exact same way...now i refuse to use my wishlist...i only accept tokens now for that reason but good idea to post it for others to not get burned like i did Smiley :(
They can revoke the payment even after you apply the gift card code to your account. Make sure to not only apply the code to your account but use it as soon as you can!

I hope to phase out using this as a payment method altogether. I feel it inspires frivolous spending on my part since it doesn't feel like real money and it takes a lot of self-discipline to only use it for household goods. Plus most of those items I can get for cheaper at Walmart, so I'd much rather have the payment be in my bank account where I can pay my bills.

There is also the problem with not being able to withhold tax on the amount of the gift card payment. When I get a $60 gift card I have to take $20 of my cash reserve and move to my savings to have when tax comes due. Same thing if someone buys you a $60 item off your wishlist�you'll still be using $20 the cash you have (that is already post-income tax) to pay the tax on that.

I would rather be able to just use the $40 post-income tax portion of the payment and set aside the rest rather than having to spend the entire portion and then use my own money to pay tax. Plus many states will be enforcing the sales tax soon. I got an itemized list from Amazon on what I owe for 2013!

So, TL; DR�I hate using Amazon for camming/clips payments Smiley :P
actually doodlebug just checked with amazon here is the information

Initial Question: I was just wondering if a gift card has been applied to the account can the person that gave it to you reverse it ?

11:18 PM(GMT) James(CSA): Hello Nancy, my name is James.

I'll be happy to help you.

11:19 PM(GMT) James(CSA): I can see that once the gift card have been applied to the account there's no way to reverse the gift card back to the purchaser.
11:19 PM(GMT) Nancy: ok, just been hearing some horror stories so was a bit worried
11:20 PM(GMT) James(CSA): I see, No worries that would not happened. Smiley :)
11:20 PM(GMT) Nancy: thanks for your help James

so once the gift card has been applied they can no reveres it
I don't use Amazon as a method of payment at all- but do have a wish list and have been very grateful because every gift that has been purchased for me the guy/guys always are eager to send me a screen shot via email of the confirmation code and expected date of arrival. They are just as excited to see me get that gift they want for me as I am. So as soon as the gifts arrive I make sure to send them a message saying that it has indeed arrived. Smiley ;)
Thank you.
Ohh yes the scams of amazon wishlists are terrible. There's also an issue where members have gotten a model's full physical address when it comes to the tracking number. Yes they are buying so if they check to find out if the item has been sent, a tracking number and then calling in to confirm could give them all the information they need.

I still to amazon gift e-cards only. They get an email address and that's it. Funny thing that there were so many men dying to get me "gifts" so I set one up. Since then almost 3 years ago not one card has been purchased. Surely they ask and go to it but when they aren't met with the city + state and a physical gift then they don't even bring it up again.

There are 3 members that I cam with that go on and on about the gifts they purchase other models. I just smile and think "good for her" but I'll more than happy with my cash only system. I also notice that these same members always talk about the model's locations. The weather where she lives or some team sport in her state. I just sit there going uh-huh... Out of the three, two of the members keep trying to drop my area in the conversation in passing like "well in your xxx area the weather must be nice". I'm thinking LOL wrong location! Still I'm not going to correct or agree with him , I just change the subject. Honestly the Creepy Mc Creeperson routine creeps me the fuck out.
Ohh yes the scams of amazon wishlists are terrible. There's also an issue where members have gotten a model's full physical address when it comes to the tracking number. Yes they are buying so if they check to find out if the item has been sent, a tracking number and then calling in to confirm could give them all the information they need.

I stick to amazon gift e-cards only. They get an email address and that's it. Funny thing that there were so many men dying to get me "gifts" so I set one up almost 3 years ago. Since then I haven't received one card. Surely they ask and go to it but when they aren't met with the city + state and a physical gift then they don't even bring it up again.

There are 3 members that I cam with that go on and on about the gifts they purchase other models. I just smile and think "good for her" but I'm more than happy with my cash only system. I also notice that these same members always talk about the models' locations. It's usually the weather where she lives or some team sport in her state. I just sit there going uh-huh... Out of the three, two of the members keep trying to drop my area in the conversation in passing like "well in your xxx area the weather must be nice". I'm thinking LOL wrong location! Still I'm not going to correct or agree with him , I just change the subject. Honestly the Creepy Mc Creeperson routines creep me the fuck out.
YUP! This very same thing happened to me the first month I became a cam-girl. I knew something was up because the person supposedly bought me about $350-$400 worth of stuff off my wishlist and I'd only been a cam girl for like 3 weeks! So I knew... "Nobody likes me that much.. YET!" It had to be too good to be true. So my friend from Scotland (not a cam model), she and I played around on Skype with my Amazon wishlist and she hit the "purchase on another site" button and it went to my purchased list! So we figured it out as well. I blocked the guy and now I post his shit to every wall of shame I find!
Thanks, it's always better to know...

i've had only 1 gift from my amazon-list for the moment, but the user who gift-me it, often talk to buy me other things... with sometimes a nice "ask for password-show" (free private). But for the moment, it's "no" cause i prefer waiting to recive the other things, and i prefer to have tips.
I can not thank you enough for writing this article
I thought that maybe a good work around is to promise a discounted personal clip later. I work on IWantClips, and I thought maybe a one-time use discount code for a personalised video using the gift once is arrives would work well? Thoughts?

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