Welcome to our discussion on navigating the intersection of webcamming and escort services, with a focus on platforms that accommodate both. This topic explores the experiences, challenges, and advice from members who are considering or have eXpanded their online presence to include escorting services. Here's a brief overview:

  • One of our members shared their idea of running a "date raffle" to increase engagement and considered venturing into escort services for selected fans, seeking advice on platforms that support such activities, especially for male models.
  • It was highlighted that advertising escort services on most cam sites can lead to warnings, with AdultWork being an exception as it supports both camming and escorting.
  • Another member recommended a specific site to help further escorting prospects, indicating resources outside traditional cam sites that might be beneficial.

Members are encouraged to share their insights, experiences, and advice on navigating these aspects of the industry, including the use of specific platforms and the considerations involved in expanding services beyond webcamming.

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