Exciting news for all verified members! The forum now offers the ability to create your own commercial profile page. This is a fantastic opportunity for showcasing your work locations, availability, and even kickstarting your journey as an independent cam model. The platform allows for significant customization, including template selection and font choices for both titles and content.

  • Avatar uploading issues have been addressed, and now avatars can be updated more smoothly.
  • Payment options are expanding to include GBP and Euro, with considerations for additional currencies and payment methods like Dwolla.
  • Adjustments have been made to allow for more accurate display and management of images on profiles.
  • For those looking to specify their services further, options are being added to list prices on a per-minute basis and to include wishlists from platforms like AdultWork.
  • Technical fixes have been implemented to ensure functionality like rate editing and picture deletion work as intended.
  • Suggestions for new features, such as a section for listing video clips and photos for sale, are being taken into account for future updates.
  • Clarification on how to properly link your Twitter account and usernames on camsites is provided to ensure your profile is connected correctly.

Overall, the enhancements and ongoing support aim to make the commercial profile pages a valuable tool for your professional growth. The team is continually working on improvements based on your feedback, so keep the suggestions coming!

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- Only alphanumeric characters are allowed
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- Use a valid email to activate your account