Hello girls! After my bad experience in the past on Visitx, today i share with you again my bad experience with them, just because i don t want that other models to waste time of money like i did. I put here 2e-mails between me and online support, after i change my prtofile picture because i had 0 traffic.
[email protected]:
[email protected], Mar 28 at 1:27 PMHallo SugarBrunette,
for you as a model, customer satisfaction is incredibly important. Customers pay a lot of money to see you and your show and that from the first minute in the chat.
You are sending with a very bad picture which results in an unusually high number of customers leaving your chat.
Please read the following instructions and go through them step by step to solve the problem.
or Mac
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.
Best regards
Madalina Madalina To:
[email protected], Mar 29 at 2:46 PMHello,
Firstly i wuld like to thank you for your information that you send me.
Secondly, i wuld like to inform you that just last 2 nights i had the ,,GOOD'' picture image while i was online.You can cheek what type of interent i am using, the speed of it ,the type of my pc and also my webcam.You will see that i am using a very good equipament. If you will thake a better look at my profile, you will see that i am model of Visit x for more than 10 years until now and i am very constant on my work.In the past i had another type of traffic and i had better revenues during a month working. With time everything goes down, the traffic its almost. ZERO. I wanna inform you that during last weekends nights while i was online, entire night i had just 1 visit of a guest in my chat, and that member asked me for POO stuff, i told him NO, and he left in the next secod. The quantitty and qualitty of members on Vsitx at least for me its almost ZERO. Few nights ago i tryed to change my profile pitures on all sections in order to improve my traffic again ,because i wuld like to make it good again and rise my position on webiste for a better traffic. I wuld like to inform you that Visitx its the only webcamming webistes that still thake comission for the sepa transfers for the models, 10 euros. If i thake a better look at my profile right now i know why my traffic its 0. First of all you took me the german flag from my profile, even if with the members i still use german language in my chat and you can cheek that also. Even so, because you took the flag german, also you put my profile the last one on the model page even if i was online almost every night for more than 10 years. You the admins says that ,,customer satisfaction is incredibly important'' , but what about the model satisfaction and model appreciation at least for those that was loyal to you for more than 10 years ,how do you help them to improve the traffic in order to be happy working on the platform. I belive that if the model its happy and appreciated for sure the members , clints will fell that also, wich means better sales on platform , wich means better money for everybody for you and also me as a model. I wuld like to inform you that the traffic for the last model on page its 0.0 visits of a member during a weekend night , it sounds unbelivebell, but you can cheek that also. I come several times at online support to ask for the german flag again, you told me NO. I asked also the support to activate the toy, because i use such type of toy, you also told me NO, AND YOU TOLD ME THAT only german models CAN USE THAT TYPE OF TOOL. To be honest, your answer dosn t help me at all, either with the falg, either with the position in page ,either with the toy. Why always ONLY GERAMANS models got this type of facilitty and we the other are not helped? I also cheek my old videos that i had upload them on page, and for me it was very strange to see that somebody changed the price for selling them. Nobody informed me that either, so, my videos where sold at a price of few cents, that also make my revenue down.
Hoping in a positive answer from you, i think that it will be better to find a great solution for eveybody and make things works better. We live worse time of war and pandemy now and i think its very important to be human now and help each other.
I wuld like to recive some help from you in order to make my profile working better as few years ago. I wuld like to have help with improoving my traffic, change my position in page ,german flag and other type of stuff. Usually the admins help with that because we models still pay comision on platform and we expect help when things dosn t work at all.
Thank you in advance for your help,
Have a nice day,

we have locked your account to make things clear. If we send you a mail asking you to improve your cam quality and use other programs, we expect this to be done immediately. We don't expect an answer how "great" your quality is. We do not write you this mail for nothing! So as soon as we have unlocked your account, we expect you to adjust and change your settings according to our instructions. Before you go online the next time.
We took the German flag from you because you don't speak/write German. All chats are in English and also your support request is in English.
All in all, you criticize things we don't understand, can't comprehend, or statements that simply aren't true. Should you mean by the toy the Lovensetoy, so can apply for any model (!) That meets the requirements for it. Whether the toy is then unlocked is something else.
Important information about the activation of the Lovense Toy
Also, we do not change prices of the videos. We really have a lot to do and this does not include adjusting or changing prices of videos
You expect and want help? Then accept it and don't write something against it right away. Start with your cam quality as described above. Help is not only take, but also implement with your own effort.
Your account will now be unlocked.
Best Regards
I just want that other models avoid such situation, with other words i tottaly recomand you to avoid them, my next step is to contact a lawyer to help me with this type of issue.
Good luck everyone!