Payment Minimum 25 usd
Payment Frequency daily pay
Incorrect or missing information? Contact Tristan

Entice Live Earnings

Daily pay direct deposit if over 25 USD in earnings otherwise rolls over until 25 is met. For now it is and usa, UK australia and canadian models only. Female and trans only available to apply publicly. They work solely with Imlive. Skype contact Tracy.EnticeLive Full Commission earning as if the model signed up Directly so 30% NO FEES

Entice Live Reviews (by members):

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Mistyshowers wrote a review about Entice Live
I feel as though it is only right that I post a review in light of the current state of events that is affecting us all surrounding COVID-19. Many of us are searching for an alternative source of income or just hoping to generate any form of income but Enticelive is NOT the agency to deal with.

Initially, when I had signed up with them a few years ago, I had the pleasure of dealing with Mrs. Tracy B. who answered any inquiries I had within a 24hr time period. Now, on the other hand she simply IGNORES my emails completely.

Enticelive aka Nothing Ventures Inc. currently owes me over ONE THOUSAND dollars since December 2019 so the delay in payment has very little to do with the current state of events. I was asked to fill out a W-8Ben in January 2020 which was filled out and received according to Tracy. Since my emails are being ignored I took it upon myself to conduct research only to find that Nothing Ventures Inc, according to multiple sites, has their license permanently revoked. I wasn’t informed otherwise as Tracy is NO LONGER RESPONDING.

If it wasn’t for this agency’s inability to communicate well with their talent and pay in accordance to the supposed dates, it would have been a nice site to work on.
JGB2009 wrote a review about Entice Live
Don't work for this studio. They owe me money and will not pay me. I have wrote Tracy numerous times and my problem never got resolved. They are thieves and dishonest. ImLive don't care either. They don't deserve to be in business at all.
Comment do you let a studio work under you knowing that they don't pay their models. Makes you look just as bad!!!!!
lilxoroxii wrote a review about Entice Live
as far as daily direct pay they will not send u your payment on time ...or even close they used to be the best imo just a year ago. first missed pay took me a month to get second missed pay about a week nd had i not contacted support they would not have known
miss_exist wrote a review about Entice Live
I’m writing this as a warning to other models.
This site is a scam. They owe me well over $100 and never paid me. I’m signed up for daily pay.
2 weeks ago when I was suppose to receive payment they marked that they paid me on their site yet they never did. Tracy keeps telling me they will pay me tomorrow and well that was 2 weeks ago. They always fraud payment marking it as paid, sometimes you get paid most of the time you don’t. I will be leaving enticelive, I am trying to find out if working with ImLive directly is better or not but I’m over earning money I’ll never see.
omg! for the second time and last time i got the money they owed me. very disappointing. used to be great. i will never cam with them again. and working with them directly is almost impossible. every email address on site i emailed both times this happened and it took me straight to tracy. be persistent. tell her you need some info such as phone numbers, addresses etc just for "personal record keeping" you need her first and last name and job title and her superior as well...again just for "personal record keeping" and it will get her a bit nervous wondering if youre reporting anything. message her 2 times a day. question first and a followup second. youll get the money eventually
Thanks, I think that’s a lot of work to go through for our already hard earned money...I decided to leave, I had some great regulars there but the way enticelive treats their models is completely wrong.
Moonflower wrote a review about Entice Live
I finally got paid - thanks to Tracy's hard work - and whe is the reason for 5-stars Support rating!

Update - August 9th - Per Tracy (OMG she is such a hard worker), because of her hard work I change Support to 5 stars! Thank you Tracy - she figured out and looks like they will be paying me. Once again - Thank you Tracy!


Sorry for all caps - but I am giving all models heads up - that if you are on their "daily" direct deposit - it is not. It is "we pay whenever we feel like if we do", and they do get annoyed if you keep on asking about it. Luckily it is not my main streaming website, and as of now - It will never be!!!

If I had an option to give them 0 stars for their broken promises - I would.

I am changing my rating. I used to like Entice Live a lot, but something has changed. The traffic is not the same, and this time I didn't even get paid yet. As of now I am still waiting for my payment and or response from their customer service where is my payment via direct deposit. They show sent, but I never received. And no communication from Entice Live.

After some emails back and forth between Tracy and me, she informed me about the issue between "their banking queue and my bank direct deposit system", and basically they are working with their "technical" department to resolve the issue.

What's interesting, I have numerous direct deposits and wire transfers going into my bank, and never ever had any issues with direct deposits in the past.

I sure want to believe what Tracy is telling me is true, but I will hold off streaming on Entice until I get paid.

Can't work when you lose trust.

Never received my daily pay. $32 dollars. I have a feeling that I have been scammed. Girls beware.
Tracy finally contacted me later on today and informed me that they sent a payment yesterday... and to let her know if I receive it tomorrow. Hope that I do. However, just letting models know who are thinking to join Entice Live that their daily pay is not so much true as they claim it to be. I hope I receive my payment tomorrow, however this unreliability of receiving payments is truly a minus for that website. Hope they improve, and I will then be able to stream more on it. Tracy is nice though, and she is the only one who ever contacts you back.
And no, no payment yet. I feel cheated. Now it's only 30 bucks. Good thing I didn't invest more time. Just letting models know sign up with this studio at your own risk. Knowing that their promised daily pay is not daily pay and each time you get paid you go through bunch of BS getting your pay.
And this morning I emailed Tracy that I have not received any payment yet, and still waiting for her response. So unprofessional. IM live shows that they paid Entice, and Entice paid shows that they paid me, yet I still didn't get any notification from their Bank nor payment nor email from Tracy.
And to follow up with my long rant, finally got response from Tracy that their payroll has problem with my bank transferring payment. I have many direct deposits from different sources into my bank and this is the first time I have ever heard of this issue. So I really don't know when will I ever receive my money. Just letting models know of this issue with Entice Live. Not cool.
Hey Moonflower, did you end up getting your payment? As its been another couple of days I just want to check and see that things ended up okay for you. The fact they made you wait a damn week for a next day payment is rediculous. But did just want to check you're okay... *hugs* mate.
Hi Sirenwatcher - no I have not received my payment as of yet!!! And Tracy keeps on telling me that payroll is "still working on it". Just want to give all the models heads up on the Entice Live. Luckily they are my supporting website and it's only 32 dollars - and I am about to report them to Better Business Bureau to be very honest!
They almost have an attitude as they are being bothered about my payment inquiry!!!
Yea I've now had similar issues. I was meant to get paid on the 12th, still haven't been paid my $260 :/. Leaving them after this payment, its just rediculous.
so she paid you then? after what... four weeks for a next day pay?
Since that incident I have not streamed there. And not thinking to ...after reading your bad experience!
ZaidaBanks wrote a review about Entice Live
Read the thread about enticelive issues with payment for backstory. It's been over 2 months and I'm still owed money. Keep getting b.s. lies and excuses from Tracy. I could care less about a company's past reputation, when for the last couple of months she's been scamming me and some more people out of their money. I email her weekly and get lied to weekly about the supposed bank issues. So I switched to check by mail. It's been over 15 days and guess what, no check. She emailed me today and says "wow, you should have got it by now ".... lol, I didn't even hold my breathe bc I doubt they ever even sent the check. Now she wants me to switch it back to pay by is her email today after I responded to her 1st email earlier. Lol I was irritated AF and asked her if she enjoys scamming people. And how I already bet people that I wouldn't get a check. That I should have bet them money bc at least I would have finally gotten paid by someone....her email said this....

I am sorry you feel this way, and I am also sorry you've had this many delays in receiving your payment. Over the past couple of months the online payment portal we use to process payments has been experiencing technical issues. We have been working to correct these issues with our bank's tech team, however it has been a slow process. During this time we have tried to make sure all missing payments were received, but unfortunately some were missed during the process.

A fix has finally been uploaded and all payments are now being sent, and received, on schedule as usual. This week we have been manually reconciling all model accounts that have had a payment processed over the previous 6 months, and resending any payments that have not been received. After 15 years, over 8,000 models, and millions of dollars in model earnings paid out (with zero fees or deductions), it definitely does not make sense for us to withhold your payment, or any of our model's payments. This is why I emailed you earlier this week, and reached out again when I didn't receive a reply.

I’ve had accounting delete your August 12th payment and issue a stop payment on the check. If you eventually receive the check you can just rip it up, as it will not longer be valid. The $1,034.37 in earnings has been added back to your account's owed balance. To send a wire, we just need you to switch your EnticeLive payment method back to direct deposit and confirm the bank account listed is where you would like the wire sent. If you can update the payment method and confirm tonight, we will be able to send out the wire first thing tomorrow morning (as it is past the 5pm Eastern cut off today).

If you have any questions please let me know.

Can anyone who has been waiting on their money confirm that they finally got paid this week or last, as she says "they've been reconciling all model accounts and resending everyone's missed payments"....?!? Ive already deleted my account with them. I truly hate the fact that i have to start over and lose all my fams and clients, reviews, and hours of hard work I put in. But I refuse to be scammed, lied to, have my money withheld and work for free. Everyone should post on their social media platforms as well about how enticelive is a scam. Seeing how they are still promoting new uninformed models. I say this because I never seen this information when I googled them before I signed up. I only feel it's right to inform other girls before they make the same mistake. Wish ImLive would cut ties with entice honestly. I love ImLive but entice is a bad representation to their models with the way that their scamming and lying to people. No reason to keep quiet and let their scam continue as they promote their so called "daily pay " to the unsuspecting.
I work with Entice sometimes but wanted know if you got paid before I do again. Have you gotten paid?
I rarely go there now. I did have an issue getting paid before, very similar to yours. And since that day I have not streamed there yet. And one of my friends was trying to sign up with them, but I now tell her not to, because I do not want her getting scammed. This is not nice of them. Thank you so very much for the update ZaidaBanks!
I work with Entice Live and have been having the same issues. It has been 2 months since they have paid me and they owe me $2,000. I stopped working a month ago on the site when I didn't get paid. Tracy just gives me excuses and bs. She barely responds and now I haven't heard from her in a week when I've emailed her everyday. I've also threatened to file a legal dispute to get my money. Did you girls ever get paid??
CallyCalient wrote a review about Entice Live
hi im cally from south africa can you help us by putting in your camsite too,ive been doing this job since 2010,cam is my life but i dont have USA ID
DaisyChaos wrote a review about Entice Live
Used to be awesome. Now the payments are unreliable at best.
Noticed you can not access hotspots which is a pay to get your cam on the first page. Then again my cam was always on or near the front page when I checked.
You can only refer models to enticelive. You have no ImLive model referral code.
I don't know if they changed their system of how it's done but used to in FLC you could see your rank on the bottom right side from the cam page. I have not figured out where to look for it.
And if you want to add a cam partner, you have to make a whole different account.
I still have not received my 32 pay from July 30. They are telling some nonsense about issue between banks. Beware of this studio.
deleted wrote a review about Entice Live
1. They offer nothing more than what ImLive does.

2. They offer less; as a US citizen you may get direct pay, but for anyone outside of the US you are paying a $25 fee for their only withdrawal method. They only offer 1. Whereas ImLive itself has about 7 different payout methods (including Paxam which is what I traditionally use).

3. Their support, whilst kind, is inept. I asked Tracy (i believe is the only staff member of the platform), two simple questions. Both times I was directed to actual ImLive support. She did not know the answers and I queried as to what was the point in having them specifically for extra support if they weren't able to have direct relations with ImLive themselves to find the answer.

4. If you decide to leave them, you are not allowed to switch immediately to a direct ImLive host. You are technically not emplyed by ImLive and just use the platform, so you must resign up with a new account if you want to stay on the platform. Making you lose all your payment history, guest history and admirers.

5. I put something on my page that ImLive didn't like (i linked to my personal website, which is allowed on most platforms, and i dont recall it being in my agreement. I did it as a way of people keeping track of me when I had my periods and wasn't online to give them cuddles). Anyway, so instead of being a professional and emailing me sometime during the day to ask me to change it. I was disconnected multiple times from the service with no warning, and was sent an email dictating me to do it. To be clear here, that html to my website was on my ImLive page for about a week prior to this. I was never contacted, I had been online multiple times and no correspondence given that this was a problem. It was at least afternoon in America (9pm for Europe) and the email correspondence I had sent her, would have been there since she got to work at 9am hours prior. Incredibly poor service to harass me and disconnect my service within 20 minutes of me being online when my guests were just realising I was online.

It is not a problem. It is just incredibly unprofessional.

I would only recommend this if you are dissatisfied with ImLive's payment methods. The support isn't worth it. Especially as its only 1 person, whom you may not get along with personally. And disconnects you from security of ImLive itself. Ie, you sign an entirely different contract.
For an addition. Bank Wires: $250 is the minimum payout for International Camgirls. Pretty steep for getting into camming. Especially as they take $25 out of that, they really shouldn't care what the minimum is. Again, $100 is the industry average, everything just seems totally unreasonable.
And when you are on daily wire transfer payment it's not daily. It's whenever they feel like paying you. I am still waiting on my payment from Tuesday July 30th. For lousy 32 bucks.
As a US citizen - you get absolutely NOTHING!!! Not even your direct transfer pay!!! for lousy 32 bucks!
To follow through: If there is any problems (which of course as human beings, we know problems can arise), they do not fix the issue and send it merely the next day. They take another entire week to resend your payment (they have no manual payments - unlikely they actually have a payroll department. I'd imagine it just gets automated by a computer payroll program - as they can't manually send payments on override).

So when you sign up, they don't check your details, so if there is any issue they wont realise till payday and delay the payments. If the payment fails to send (they email you saying there has been an issue) yet your login on their website will claim you have been "paid". You may be waiting days to weeks to have them to tell you whats going on. It just feels incredibly sketchy.

The prior example happened to me. They emailed me saying that my payment didnt go through on the 19/09/2019. It is now the 26/08/2019 and I have sent multiple emails asking what is going on and have not received any emails in reply. No pay, no email correspondence, nothing. Tracy is just entirely unprofessional. I have contacted ImLive and threatened a legal dispute over it just because it's just silly. I have worked for other cam companies prior to this, never had an issue with payment.

Guess serves me right for trusting in a person (agency run by one person) with my pay rather than a proper company like ImLive i guess.
KennedyENT wrote a review about Entice Live
I HIGHLY recommend Entice Live! Daily payouts. I will say that the traffic died down after the first few hours of the lower cost but still get plenty of privates!
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Entice Live Reviews (by non-members):

HalyssBlyss wrote a review about Entice Live
August 12, 2021 - 6:09

I’ve used this site in the past. Didn’t sign back up again till recently ..I made about $78 in about 35 minutes. I didn’t start worrying till I saw all these bad reviews recently from other cam girls … I understand based on using this site in the past they take out a fee. I added it up and with the fee I should still be getting paid atleast $60-$65… I emailed my host (Tracy) and I’m waiting to hear back. Because on my account it’s saying I only made $14????

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