Rutger published: Interview with AnaliseYoel

AnaliseYoel, how old are you and where are you from?

I am 20 something and I’m from Los Angeles, California, the city where the sun’s always up and the people are always tanned.

Is webcam modelling your only job or do you do other things beside it?

Right now it’s my only job and I see it staying the same in the future as it’s a full time job for me and for whoever wants to make real money and a career.

Do you tell your friends/family you are a cam model?

Everyone knows. I’m a very open individual and I hate keeping secrets about what I do, especially since being a webcam model is such a beautiful job for me. It’s a lot of fun, also stressful when I have to tell the people around me what I do because not everyone is so open minded but then I come to the conclusion that those are people that I don’t need in my life.

How did you come in contact with the cam business?

I just applied for an interview. To be honest, I wanted to avenge myself against a man that has wronged me and I wanted to feel sexy again. This seemed to be the easiest way to do so and to pay my bills. It’s safe, it’s fun and it pays well.

What made you decide to work with a studio (

I did look a lot into camming before and I wanted to make an educated decision. I saw that I couldn’t do it from home since I knew nothing about it and I wanted to have a professional start and then I looked at the other studios in LA and none seemed to be the best suited for me except Studio 20.

How would you describe yourself as a camgirl?

I’m still discovering myself as a cam girl so I would describe myself as someone that’s still learning. I’m a mix between a glam girl, a girly girl, a spoiled brat and a merciless mistress. A walking paradox.

Where can we see you and how long have you been working there?

I’m working on LiveJasmin/">LiveJasmin, you can just search my name and find me there. I’ve been working since November 2017.

Have you also been working on different sites?

This being the first time I ever worked in the cam industry, Studio 20, the cam studio that I work for, advised me to work on LiveJasmin’s platform and since then I’ve only streamed on that. I don’t know how the rest of the platforms are but I really like the easiness of the Jasmin's cam and platform and how nice the members are.

Do you also have a personal website?

I am currently working on it with the marketing team. I am in this for the long run and I want the website to reflect my personality and to be an extension of myself. I am so excited to launch it and I promise I’ll let you know the moment it goes up.

Do you have a special room prepared in your house for your shows?

I work from the Studio20 LA location and I have my designated room there. I chose it together with the trainers and to match my personality as much as it can. I have a big mirror in which I can look in while I’m dancing, teasing and role playing.

How was your first modelling experience?

My first day was funny and fun. I remember I had a foot slave from the first day and I had no idea what to do with him, how to talk to him or what to say so I ended up putting a lot of lotion on my feet and I was so nervous about it that I forgot to look in the monitor and talk to the guy so I didn’t even realize when the private ended. I “woke” up in freechat talking to myself while other members and guests were asking me what the hell I’m doing. Lucky I wasn’t doing something else 😉

Does being a cam model interfere with your personal (sex) life?

LOL. My personal life is going good, I can say that I’ve learned a lot about myself and I’m more open when it comes to trying new things, I see myself in a more sexual and sensual way. So I got all the good things from this job.

What's the most appealing thing about your job?

I really like the compliments and the part about talking to new people all the time. I enjoy being the center of attention and if I can get money out of it, It’s perfect :D

What do you like least about your job?

I hate the slow days but I do know that they build character and patience. They teach me a lot about who I am and how I should behave when I’m losing it. It does get a little crazy when I have really slow days but like I said, they build character. Oh and I really dislike racist people. I get the rolePlay but I don’t understand the asshole-ism about it. Unfortunately, there is a lot of racism in the industry and it goes to the members also.

If you could do it all over again with all the knowledge you have now, would you still be a cam model?

Most definitely. I actually wish I did it when I was younger so that I would be more prepared for heartache, I would know how to avoid certain situations that you don’t come across all the time in a normal “civilian” life.

What's your view on the cam industry in general?

I think that camming is the next big thing. That meaning that it empowers girls and women to work for themselves, to have a more positive image about themselves. Also, it offers someone the possibility to talk to people from countries you never even thought about ever speaking to so that gives you the opportunity to know new things.

Do you have a funny story or experience to share?

The funny story that comes to mind happened in my first weeks of camming. I had a “slave” that wanted me to ignore him. I was so tired and I ignored him so much that I ended up fallingasleep and slept for 30 minutes. When I woke up, I saw his last message that told me that I was the best mistress ever, that nobody has ignored him as well as I did. I busted out in laughter.

What are your plans for the future besides cammodelling?

I love cooking and I like to think that I’m a good one. So my plan is to open my own restaurant with soul food, Southern food, like my mother taught me to cook. Of course, everyone’s invited.

Any tips for new camgirls?

Ummm.. believe in yourself. Never let anyone tell you that you can’t do something, smile more and everything that you do, do it with passion.

What's your motto?

Hustle like a man so you never need to depend on one.



20 Likes 10 Comments
I really liked reading it, well done Analise!
"Believe in yourself" best advice you can give, if you don't believe in yourself no one else will either. congratulations on your success sweetheart Smiley :) Best of luck to you in the future as well .
great interview, keep up the good job guys
Way to go Girl!!! Smiley :)Smiley (flower)
Congrats, and all the best success to you, girl. I like Jasmin too, for myself as a Model, and for my work companions Models who work with me in my Studio. Jennifer xx
Luving all of this ..specially the cooking part!
Way to go girl! Best wishes! Smiley (flower)Smiley (H)
This is a really good article, congratulations girl! Keep going and never stop dreaming. By the way, your tip about believe in ourselves is 100% true, I agree with you. Smiley ;)
Loved this article, especially the quote at the end.... "Hustle like a man so you never have to depend on one." Priceless!Smiley (H)
Wow, well done! Such an inspiration Smiley (H)

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