Welcome to the discussion on transitioning from studio work to independent modeling on platforms such as Streamate. This topic explores the considerations, challenges, and steps necessary for models thinking about or deciding to move from studio-affiliated work to operating independently. Participants share their experiences, advice, and questions regarding the process, specifically focusing on the potential for opening new accounts on Streamate after ending a studio collaboration.

  • Members discuss the required waiting period to open a new account on Streamate after leaving a studio, which is generally six months unless the studio agrees to release the account sooner.
  • Advice is shared on the potential benefits of working independently versus continuing with a studio, including financial considerations and work flexibility.
  • Concerns about studios' reluctance to release models and the impact of studio policies on models' ability to work independently are highlighted.
  • A representative from Streamate provides official information regarding the process for transitioning from studio work to independent status on the platform, including the possibility of bypassing the waiting period if the studio agrees to release the model.
  • Community support and encouragement for models considering or beginning their journey as independent professionals are evident, with members sharing their personal decisions and motivations.

This topic serves as a valuable resource for models at various stages of considering or making the transition to independent work, offering insights into the technical and personal aspects of such a change.

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