Stay updated with the latest from Stripchat! Here’s a quick summary of recent news, features, and updates:

  • New Broadcast Center: Revamped interface with four main sections: Profile Status, Dashboard with Stats, Model News, and Model Rules. Essential for improving your StripScore and overall performance.
  • Special Streams: Celebrate events like Independence Day and Oktoberfest with themed streams for extra attention and profits. Follow specific instructions to apply.
  • New Search Feature: Enhanced search functionality allowing you to filter models based on specific criteria, making it easier for viewers to find exactly what they want.
  • New Games: Engage your audience with fun games like Battleship. Easy to install and customize from the Extensions tab.
  • Token Refunds: New feature allowing models to refund tokens to users within 20 minutes of the transaction.
  • Ban System Update: Models now have full control to ban users for 24 hours, 30 days, or permanently, enhancing the control over their room environment.
  • Clear Public Chats: Ability to clear all public chat messages, keeping your room tidy and free from inappropriate comments.
  • Show Topics: Viewers can now search for specific show topics, making it easier for them to find shows that match their interests.
  • Verification Issues: Ongoing discussions and solutions for issues related to document verification across multiple accounts.
  • New Categories: Introduction of new categories for different genders and types of shows, expanding the range of activities available.
  • Interests Update: Add more personal interests to your profile to attract viewers with similar hobbies and preferences.
  • User Card in Private Chat: Quickly access user information, add to friends, mute, report, or ban users during private chats and shows.
  • Profile Status Update: The "I'll Be Online Soon" status now only appears under specific conditions, making profile updates smoother.
  • New Payment Method: Bitsafe is

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