Welcome to the summary of a vibrant discussion on our forum regarding the experiences and reactions to the treatment of single women by the Marriott hotel chain. Participants in this conversation have expressed deep concern and shared personal anecdotes and observations about what they perceive as discriminatory practices against single women, particularly those who may be dining or staying alone.

  • Initial posts reveal frustration with Marriott's deletion of responses to complaints, calling out the situation as a potential legal issue and profiling.
  • Members have drawn parallels with similar discriminatory practices in other venues, suggesting a broader pattern of behavior towards single women.
  • There is a significant focus on the impact of such practices on single women, including those in the middle class and high-end escorts, suggesting that it pushes towards fake relationships or dining under false pretenses to gain access to nice places.
  • Concerns were raised about the specific scrutiny of minority women and the implications of such surveillance on personal freedoms and dignity.
  • The discussion highlights a broader issue of profiling and discrimination, with particular emphasis on the potential effects on immigrants, Black/Brown women, LGBTQI+ communities, and women escaping domestic abuse.
  • A strong sentiment towards boycotting Marriott and the call for legal action to address this discrimination were repeatedly expressed.

The conversation reflects a consensus on the need for awareness, solidarity, and potentially legal recourse to challenge and change these practices. It serves as a reminder of the ongoing struggles against discrimination and the importance of community support and advocacy in confronting such issues.

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