This topic explores the practice of consuming alcohol while webcam modeling, discussing both personal experiences and site policies. Members share their varied viewpoints and experiences with drinking during cam sessions, highlighting the importance of moderation and awareness of platform rules.

  • Some members occasionally consume alcohol to relax before or during sessions but emphasize moderation to avoid being visibly intoxicated, in line with most site policies against drinking on camera.
  • There are mentions of creative ways to disguise alcohol consumption to adhere to site guidelines.
  • The discussion also touches on the use of substances other than alcohol, with a few members sharing their experiences with marijuana and other drugs, despite recognizing the risks involved, including potential suspension or termination by the platform.
  • A key theme is the importance of remaining in control and retaining one's faculties while camming, with several members expressing a preference for sobriety to ensure the quality of their performance and interaction with viewers.
  • One member shared an experience of integrating a drinking game into their session, which was well-received by viewers and financially rewarding, though it is acknowledged as an exception rather than a standard practice.

The consensus underscores a balance between using alcohol as a tool for relaxation and maintaining professionalism by staying within the guidelines set by camming platforms and personal limits.

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