Welcome to our professional forum discussion on the topic of distributing and selling pictures and videos via mfc. Here, members share their experiences, offer advice, and discuss strategies to enhance their presence and sales on the platform. Below is a summary of the key points raised in the discussion:

  • Choosing the right platform for hosting content is crucial. Options like Google Drive and OneDrive are popular among members due to their accessibility and storage capabilities.
  • Concerns about privacy and anonymity are significant. The dilemma of using OneDrive linked to a personal, identifiable email versus a work-specific Google Drive email highlights the importance of separating personal and professional digital footprints.
  • The challenge of content being automatically associated with the uploader's legal name on OneDrive, and seeking solutions to prevent personal information from being displayed with uploaded content.
  • Discussion revolves around technical solutions to the above issue, including the possibility of altering account settings or opting to use an alternative account that is not linked to one's legal name.

This conversation is a valuable resource for anyone looking to navigate the complexities of selling digital content on platforms like mfc while maintaining privacy and professionalism. Join the discussion to share your insights or to find solutions to your concerns.

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