
Welcome to our private forum's summary on the latest topic discussion: New achievements!

Our community is buzzing with excitement over the introduction of new achievements designed to celebrate your milestones and hard work. Here's a quick overview:

  • Butterfly Achievement: Awarded to those who expand their presence by working on three or more sites.
  • Outgoing & Exhibitionist Achievements: These are based on the number of people visiting your profile.
    • 100 page views earn you the "Outgoing" badge.
    • 500 page views secure you the "Exhibitionist" badge.

Members have shared their thoughts:

  • One of our members humorously inquired if there's a badge for loyalty for working exclusively with one site.
  • Another member proudly announced they qualify for the "Butterfly" achievement by working on three platforms.

This summary captures the essence of our community's latest achievements and discussions. We hope it serves as a motivation for all our members to achieve new heights!


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