Welcome to the discussion on the current poll regarding pricing structures and minimum prices for content on the Camgirl Collective (CGC). This is a vital conversation for our community, touching on the themes of content valuation, competitive pricing, and the establishment of fair pricing guidelines. Here's a concise summary of the points raised:

  • Members express the need for a minimum price setting for content to prevent undervaluing work.
  • There's a debate over how to structure pricing, with suggestions including setting prices based on content length (e.g., per minute for videos, per photo for picture sets).
  • Some members advocate for the freedom to set their own prices, highlighting the diversity in content types and quality.
  • Difficulty in locating the poll was noted, with suggestions to make it more visible on the platform.
  • Comparisons with other platforms (e.g., Clips4Sale) were made, discussing their pricing structures and minimum content length requirements.
  • The complexity of establishing a one-size-fits-all pricing strategy was acknowledged, given the variety in content type, length, and quality.
  • The importance of not undervaluing one's work and the potential impact of very low pricing on the market and individual earnings was a recurring theme.

The conversation reflects a collective desire to balance fair compensation for creators with the flexibility to accommodate various types of content. The goal is to find a pricing strategy that supports both the collective interests of the community and the individual business models of its members.

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