Stay updated with the newest features and improvements on My.Club through our official news thread! Here’s a quick summary of the latest updates and announcements:

  • Custom Personal Links Page: Create a customized links page with a free domain, featuring unlimited social links, responsive widgets, and stylish themes.

  • New Payment Options: EXpanded payment methods including Paypal, Cryptocurrency, Giropay, Sofort, Ideal, and Eps to provide fans with more flexibility.

  • Full-View Messenger: Enjoy a seamless chatting experience with a near full-screen messenger window.

  • Two-Factor Authentication (2FA): Enhance your account security with 2FA using Google Authenticator.

  • Improved Identity Verification: Quick facial verification for creators to ensure authenticity and trust.

  • Pay-Per-Min Video Calls: Introduce video calls with customizable pricing and availability settings.

  • Dream Feature: Share and achieve your dreams with fan contributions directly on your profile.

  • Halloween Twitter Competition: Participate in our Halloween competition for a chance to win cash prizes by showcasing your creativity.

  • Teaser Cover Images: Add teaser images to paid posts to entice users to buy or subscribe.

  • Digital Twin: Create a digital version of yourself to interact with fans and sell content automatically.

  • Pay-to-Unlock Content: Post special content that requires payment to unlock, even for subscribers.

  • Co-Creator Integration: Add non-My.Club co-creators to your account to post collaborative content.

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