Welcome to the discussion on the unexpected disappearance of green thumbs-up on a user's page. Here's a brief overview of the conversation:

  • Initial confusion over the missing green thumbs-up icons and followers.
  • A humorous suggestion about a red bunny being the culprit, leading to a light-hearted exchange among members.
  • Clarification that the issue occurred on Chaturbate, with speculation that it might be due to viewers retracting their positive feedback and unfollowing.
  • Insight into viewer behavior on Chaturbate, including tendencies to unfollow and give bad ratings based on content dissatisfaction.
  • Discussion about the challenges of maintaining high thumb scores and the impact of viewer expectations and platform dynamics.
  • Information shared about the thumb score system, suggesting it is based on a 30-day rolling period, with fluctuations being a normal part of the process.

This summary captures the essence of the dialogue, offering insights into the complexities of viewer interactions and the impact on content creators' scores on platforms like Chaturbate.

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