Welcome to the discussion on the new social group website, DailyXPost, dedicated to sex workers for advertising and marketing. This platform is created by a retired cam model aiming to provide a space where professionals can interact with clients effectively. Here's a brief overview of the conversation:

  • Introduction to DailyXPost by its founder, highlighting its purpose as a new, but growing platform for sex workers to connect with clients. The site is described as user-friendly for both newcomers and experienced professionals.
  • Discussion on the ongoing and future advertising efforts to ensure quality traffic to the website, ensuring it remains an active and beneficial platform for its members.
  • Queries regarding the accessibility of the website, with concerns raised about whether it is limited to PC use or if it's accessible on other devices.

This discussion is particularly valuable for those looking to expand their reach and explore new opportunities within the sex work industry through online platforms. Whether you're new to the scene or an experienced professional, DailyXPost aims to offer something beneficial for everyone.

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