Welcome to our discussion on the challenges and solutions related to getting banned from webcam sites. This topic provides insights and shared experiences from our community members on navigating bans, creating new accounts, and dealing with platform regulations. Here's a quick overview:

  • Attempting to create a new account on a site from which you've been banned, especially without adding an ID, is often futile. Sites typically require ID for payouts, and your ID will reveal your identity.
  • Communicating with support to understand the reason behind a ban and exploring the possibility of getting unbanned is a recommended step.
  • Webcam sites generally have a serious reason for banning a model. It's crucial to read and adhere to the Terms of Service (TOS) to avoid violations.
  • Instances of misinterpretation by the site, such as being banned for allegedly having an unregistered model in the broadcast when it was actually a solo video of the model, highlight the complexities of compliance.
  • Using a false ID to create an account is not only against the policies of most platforms but can also lead to legal repercussions.
  • If your account was not approved due to the use of a false ID, using a real ID for a new account does not guarantee approval and might further complicate your situation.
  • Reaching out to support, explaining your situation, and asking for a second chance is advised if your account faced issues due to misunderstandings or minor violations.

This summary encapsulates the key points from our community's discussion. For more detailed advice and personal experiences, please log in or register.

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