Flirtify isn't your typical webcam platform; it's a personalized chatroulette. Here, models have the freedom to select which individuals they engage with and to what extent they respond to their inquiries.

Engagements occur on a one-on-one basis, ensuring privacy and security without any public rooms.

Pricing is straightforward: $0.07 for the initial minute and $0.24 for the subsequent minute. Additionally, both free and paid users receive a weekly bonus of $50 per second upon reaching 1200 minutes, resulting in an hourly earning potential ranging from $5.5 to $14, inclusive of bonuses.

Payouts, ranging from $50 to Paxum and USDT wallets, are processed every Monday.

Payment Methods • Paxum
• Cryptocurencys
Payment Minimum 50 USD
Payment Frequency On Tuesdays
Concept Premium
Female Models
Official Reps FloraFlirtify
WeCamgirls Members 1
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