Tristan published: Interview: Alex Gheorghe AW Summit and AW Awards
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[img][/img][i]From the 9th until the 11th of June Alex Gheorghe will be organizing the [url=]AW Summit[/url] in Mamaia Romania. During the summit the [url=]AW Awards Gala[/url] will be held on the 10th of June. [/i] [b]Hi Alex, how old are you and where are you from?[/b] I 'm from Romania and 15 years ago I was just 20 years old, still young. [b]How did you come in contact with the cam business?[/b] As everyone else , by accident . It's not something you dream to become when you are a kid . I actually don't remember what I wanted to be back then. However, some 12 years ago I was living in Bucharest and reading the ads section in a newspaper and saw this announcements about live chat. Browsing the internet I found this amazing place called iFriends and later on started to develop a small studio in my hometown - in east of Romania. First, as any young person, I was in love with the easy money that were coming out of my new occupation. Later on I got really in love with the industry and develop it into a real and serious business. [b]How would you describe yourself and what is your area of expertise?[/b] I am a little bit of everything: webmaster, designer, I was running a small camsite some 6 years ago - and I manage it pretty well - so I understand this industry very well, I know every component of it. But what I would consider as my expertise is getting people together, and motivate them by creating the perfect working environment. [b]Where and when did you get the idea to organize the AW Summit and Awards?[/b] It was back in November 2013 when I realized that some things needed to be changed, that the studios in Romania should come together, share ideas, unify for a positive scope. I started to write to other studios in order to meet them. Some did answer to my call, most did not. I was visiting a lot of studios in Bucharest, Iasi, Constanta and so on, all the big Romanian cities and met a lot of people. I started this tour having in mind a project, called "Protected Studios" - which by the way, came true - and discovered the hunger for knowledge and sharing information of all this people I've visited. This is how, early January 2014, I came up with the idea of gathering all the studios into a 4 stars resort in the Carpathians Mountains. In less than one month, as the event toke place on 6 of February, some 180 wonderful guys and girls joined us. But there were no camsites invited, therefore a new summit needed to be organized. The rest is history. When organizing the June 2014 event, I was thinking on how to get things even more exciting, and this is how AW Awards concept started. I had announced the awards in the official magazine of AW Summit (same June 2014). You need to imagine that in the last year I was thinking a lot on how this gala should look like, and all the other details, and I am pretty sure I will surprise everyone in the most pleasant way possible. No matter what other say, this is the main event of the year for the Live Cam Industry, and everyone involved should be there. [b]Do you have other experiences with organizing shows?[/b] After the 2014 summit, where everything was just perfect, a lot of people asked me the same question. No, I had no previous experience in doing shows like that. [b]What do you like best about organizing shows like this and are you planning to continue and/or do you have other plans for the future?[/b] Continue? It depends on how we count this things. Some count as we are on the 2nd edition, but we had two gatherings last year, so it's kind of a 3rd edition of AW Summit in 2015. Of course I will continue doing this. I have a lot of plans and concepts, but I'm still working on them. This year will be great, the best show the Live Cam Industry ever had, I'm confident about that. Next year? I will surprise everyone soon with my new concepts for 2016. [b]Do you have a funny story or experience to share and maybe some tips for new cammodels?[/b] I would advise anyone to be creative. Original. Actually to be themselves, because everyone of us is unique and original in its own way. You cannot be creative when you try to be like someone else, when you try to imitate. If it's about sex, because for some members camming is about that, creativity should also be part of the show. [b]What's your motto?[/b] Actually this is the most difficult question. I'll better use a Michael Jackson quote that defines my motto : "The idea is to take it a step forward and innovate . Or else why am I doing it ? I don't want to be just another can in the assembly line. I want to create - do something that is totally different and unusual". Don't forget to check out the sites: [url=]AW Summit[/url] and [url=]AW Awards Gala[/url]



Tristan, co-founder of WeCamgirls, has spent the last decade immersed in the cam industry. He’s attended over 50 shows and conferences, met countless interesting people, and loves sharing his insider knowledge through articles and guides.

10 Likes 2 Comments
Great article! Smiley (Y)
Great article, congrats Alex and keep up the good work. Looking forward for the AwSummit this year.


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