Thank you for reporting the issues you've encountered on the forum. Below is a summary of the bugs and requests reported:

  • Issues with notifications not showing the correct information or leading to the intended interactions.
  • Problems with updating profiles, including adding or saving changes to information such as website links and personal details.
  • Chat and notification functionalities disappearing or not updating in real-time as expected.
  • Difficulties with posting in forums or on walls, where text does not appear after submission.
  • Errors when attempting to access certain reviews or using specific links, leading to 404 errors or SQL syntax errors.
  • Challenges with the site's functionality on various browsers and devices, including issues with page layout and interactive elements not responding.
  • Concerns regarding the ability to send direct messages without the necessity of adding a friend, questioning if this is a bug or an intended feature.

Please continue to report any bugs or issues you encounter to help improve the forum's functionality and user experience. Your feedback is invaluable in identifying and resolving technical problems.

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