In this professional forum for webcam models, members share their experiences and advice regarding modeling opportunities outside the typical webcam setting, specifically focusing on magazine or website modeling. Highlights include:

  • Discussions about receiving offers from established companies like The Score Group, which is known for its work with plus-sized models and those with larger bust sizes. Members express excitement and curiosity about these opportunities while seeking advice on how to proceed.
  • Advice on verifying the legitimacy of offers received via email or social media, emphasizing the importance of direct communication, researching the company's background, and ensuring a safe and professional working environment.
  • Concerns about the nature of the work offered, with members expressing a desire to avoid certain types of scenes. There's a preference for solo or girl/girl scenes over others, highlighting the importance of setting personal boundaries in the industry.
  • Personal experiences shared by members who have worked with or considered working with companies like The Score Group, including discussions about the company's professionalism, the types of models they are seeking, and the logistics of working with them, such as travel arrangements and payment.

This topic serves as a valuable resource for webcam models considering branching out into magazine or website modeling, offering insights into the opportunities, potential challenges, and considerations for ensuring a positive and safe experience.

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