Here are some thoughts and strategies shared by models regarding the current Streamate contest:

  • Contest Performance: Some models find contest weeks challenging, with reports of lower earnings compared to other platforms. The competition can be intense, and success often requires significant time and effort.
  • Freeloaders: Contests tend to attract more freeloaders, which can be frustrating for models who are not exhibitionists and prefer more genuine interactions.
  • Strategies for Improvement:
    • Email Campaigns: Emailing fans with a picture can encourage them to support during contests.
    • Rank Visibility: Displaying contest ranks on a whiteboard or in room chat can motivate viewers to contribute, even with small tips.
  • Bonuses: Some models find motivation in the 25% bonuses and additional weekly bonuses for camming a set number of hours and achieving minimum earnings.
  • Personal Approaches: While some models focus on maintaining their usual routine, others aim for specific contest ranks, though top 500 can be particularly tough.
  • Communication: When dealing with slow responses, some models resort to copy-pasting text to save time and effort.

Overall, the contest presents both opportunities and challenges, with different models adopting various strategies to navigate it.

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