Welcome to an intriguing discussion that has sparked quite a bit of interest among our community members. The conversation centers around a bold and imaginative proposition to reshape societal norms and institutions with a focus on sexuality. Here's a summary of the key points and reactions:

  • The original post proposes the creation of the "Whores Party," advocating for mandatory weekly/monthly sexual activity documented in a personal log.
  • It suggests transforming religious buildings into public brothels to provide employment opportunities for single mothers, women in need, and unemployed men aspiring to be porn stars.
  • The proposition views sexuality as a form of therapy and aims to establish it as the only "religion" permitted, arguing that other religions have not succeeded.
  • Members have shown a mix of support, amusement, and willingness to participate in this hypothetical world, with comments ranging from endorsements of the idea to offers of political campaign support.
  • Concerns and critiques are also expressed, particularly regarding the feasibility of such a plan and its implications on personal freedoms and societal norms.

Overall, the discussion reflects a diverse range of views, showcasing our community's capacity for creative thinking and debate on unconventional ideas.

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